Finding Purpose in the Seasons of Life

The battle of the ‘Unfamiliar

How do you find purpose in a place where you’re not accepted?

Still trying to find my purpose in this unfamiliar place, I decided to make use of the environment. My, my, was hard. It was heated, and it was unbearable. Communication became a barrier, attitude and character became obstacles.

How do I adapt to the communication system in this unfamiliar environment? How do I update my attitude and character to avoid being misunderstood? Why do I look like an intruder? Everyone seems different, can’t find no one to understand the language of my heart. Why would God bring me to this place where I can’t find anyone from my clique? Everything was different, so very different that it scared me to take a step.

The unfamiliar threatens your ability to speak and interact with people. It limits you from networking with people. It pulls you back anytime you want to take the step forward in meeting new people. It restricts you from socialising with the unknown environment. It holds you back and keeps you in a cabin called ‘fear and insecurity’. It goes like this, ‘will I be accepted? Will they understand my accent? What if I get rejected? But I don’t look like them. What if they don’t like me?’ Whether they like you or not, is not a reason for you to worry. It’s how do I make use of this season and fulfil God’s purpose for my life. How do I maximise myself to impact this environment? How do I break off the limitations that surround me, and pull down every barrier that seems to lock me up in this place call fear and insecurity?

So I had to push myself out in the open, force my entire being to break off the shell of fear and pierce into the very depth of this unfamiliarity. I figured out that my situation was not going to change unless I get up, step out and take action. It doesn’t matter what people say or think. Whether people understand you or not, you are there already, and there’s no turning back. You’ve come too far to turn back and give up. That’s not part of God’s plan for you. You’ve gone through a lot of sacrifice in the process of getting there, so it’s not the time to call it quit.

Can I tell you something? God brought you to that place for a reason, and He surely will make a way. You don’t have to worry about what people say or how they’ll react to you. Whether you’re accepted or not, that’s irrelevant, because you are in a place to fulfil your purpose for that season. Therefore, don’t let anything move or distract you. You are in line with destiny.

So can I challenge you to arise out of fear and insecurity, and take-off into the wings of your destiny and fulfil that God-ordained purpose in that unfamiliar place.

See with the eyes of faith and let that rejection be an opportunity to thrust you to greater accomplishment. You are a child of purpose!

How do you see yourself?

Comments are welcome.

6 thoughts on “Finding Purpose in the Seasons of Life”

  1. Interesting! As I read your sentence on pushing yourself out into the open, the word that came to mind is metamorphosis.
    Many potential butterflies never came out of their cocoons due to fear and insecurity.
    But it’s a process we all must pass through at one point or in one area of our lives to become who we are designed to be by The Designer.
    Well done! More grace to you!

    Liked by 1 person

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